Caring for friends
in need since 2010
Community Animal Resources
Mobile Veterinary Van
Caring for friends
in need since 2010
Community Animal Resources
Mobile Veterinary Van
Who We Are
Every Pet Counts
The Somerville Foundation for Animal’s newest initiative is the Pet CARe Van. With our new mobile veterinary clinic, we’re working to keep pets with the people who love them. Through your donations and our sponsors, we help homeless veterans, the elderly, and individuals and families in need by providing free veterinary care for their best friends.

The CARe Van: Service
The number of homeless and at-risk veterans, elderly, and families are rising, and seven out of ten families in America live one paycheck away from homelessness.
Pets play a crucial part in the quality of life, mental and physical wellbeing, recovery, and keeping society relevant to those most struggling to stay afloat.

Somerville Dog Festival: Event
Some 4,500+ visitors stop by and enjoy vendors, food trucks, best costume contests, and agility games!
The Foundation
Where the Heart Is
The Somerville Foundation for Animals was formalized in 2011 by Dr. Adam Parker, DVM and Marjie Alonso, CDBC, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, after years of community organization and involvement, including two large, successful initial fund-raiser events, the 2010 and 2011 Somerville Dog Festivals.
They were joined by Foundation Treasurer Jill Hourihan of the Pet Republic, Kelsey Roth, Sequoyah Brennan, Adria Karlsson, and Jessica Fry of the New England Dog Training Club in the ongoing, yearly planning for the Festival and other events.In addition to the Somerville Dog Festival, the Somerville Foundation for Animals holds smaller community events, offers free basic dog training clinics to the public, and raises funds through donations and corporate sponsorships.
Current active projects include the annual Somerville Dog Festival and the Every Pet Counts Mobile Veterinary Clinic, to provide services and supplies to in-need members of our community.
Due to the generosity of the Jane Hodge Trust, we were able to complete the purchase of our first mobile veterinary clinic.
Now we need equipment such as an x-ray machine, medical supplies, and all the care and maintenance costs involved. If you’d like to get involved, please write to us at And, of course, donations are always needed!